About Us

Who Are We?

We are a diverse group of proud individuals from the Métis community who are working hard to support and promote the needs, rights and culture of Métis citizens of Regina. We feel that through the advocacy of cultural, education and social programming and by the fostering of positive relationships that we can build solidarity and promote the needs and aspirations of the Métis citizens of Regina. Our logo reflects our primary goal of developing a strong and visible Métis presence within our community.

We would welcome and person or persons who share in this same goal to join our board. Please contact us and you can come to one of our board meetings and see that we are all about. You can reach us by e-mail at president@rielmetiscouncil.ca

Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Regina Riel Métis Council # 34 is to support and promote the needs, rights and culture of Métis citizens of Regina through the advocacy of cultural, education and social programming and by the fostering of relationships which advance the aspirations of the Métis citizens of Regina.

Our Vision Statement:

The vision of the Regina Riel Métis Council # 34 of Regina is of a happy, healthy and engaged Métis citizenry within the city of Regina and surrounding area.

Strategic Plan:

Strategic planning is the formal consideration of the RRMC’s future course. All strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions:

  1. "What do we do?"
  2. "For whom do we do it?"
  3. "How do we get there?"

Click here to check out our strategic plan for 2009-2010

The structure of the Regina Riel Métis Council # 34 (RRMC) features an executive component consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. Various sub-committees involve the active participation of board members in the work of achieving our main goal to promote and advance the Métis culture. These sub-committees are: Governance, Communication, Fundraising, Special Events and Membership.

To find out more about the roles and responsibilities of each of these membership positions and of the sub-committees see our RRMC Roles and Responsibilities Statement.

Executive Board

Dennis Brooks, President
Ray Hamilton, Vice-President
Melissa Desjarlais, Treasurer
Christina Johns, Secretary

Board Members

Arnold Racette

Kishchee Tey Mo'yawn Aen Li Michif Wi'yan
Proud to be Metis

News and Events


RRMC # 34 strives for transparent and accountable governance. We meet these goals through strict adherence to our terms of reference, our ethical policy and our by-laws. Click here to see our by-laws. Click here to see the last AGM minutes. Click here to see the President's Message.

Volunteer Opportunities

Do you have a special talent or skill? The RRMC # 34 is always looking for volunteers for upcoming events. If you are willing to help out contact us by emailing the president at: president@rielmetiscouncil.ca

We look forward to working with you.

In the News

Supreme Court ruling: article

A tribute to Harry Daniels, who fought for Metis unclisiong:  article